My Tools of choice:

look! it's me!

Sketchbooks pens/pencils

I use any small format sketch book I can lay my hands on. Preferably something that will fit in my pocket so I never miss recording an idea when it pops into my head.
I sketch using a combination of 2B pencils as well as Artline fineliners, .5mm to 2mm.


Apple iPad Air and Apple Pencil

I use the Apple iPad Gen 9 together with the excellent Apple Pencil Gen 1. In my opinion, the Apple Pencil feels as close to drawing on paper as I can get on a tablet or PC.
Dear Apple.... if you like what you see, I would love the larger screen size of an iPad pro and an Apple Pencil Gen 2 to continue my work with.



Tying all the hardware bits together is an amazing piece of software called Procreate